Did you know that many lists in SBOSS can be sorted by the different columns appearing in each list?
If you look at the top of the Member Order List module, the columns are Order #, Date, PV Month, Member, etc. At the top of each column, there is a column heading for each one appearing in a small, gray bar that runs across the top of the list. If you click on one of these column headings, the list is rearranged or sorted according to the information in that column.
For example, if you click on the column heading that says "Member" in the Member Order List, the list will rearrange to display the orders in alphabetical order by the person's name. Click on the Date heading and the list will rearrange to display the orders in chronological order by the date each order was placed.
This feature can be used in the following modules: the Member Order List, Members, CSC Order List, Company Transactions, and the Inventory.